Worrying about how to pay for your remodeling project should never prevent you from getting the work done that you...
Serving the Greater Carolina Coastline, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Wilmington, Hilton Head, and Bluffton
Worrying about how to pay for your remodeling project should never prevent you from getting the work done that you...
We are proud to offer our customers an option to receive a FREE, NO OBLIGATION quote from us for their...
The following video is a great example of the type of damage a hurricane can do to your home. Call...
We explain the difference types of damage caused by hurricanes, and how to prepare for them.
Randy Hann and William McCourt, owners of Contract Exteriors, have been selected by REMODELING magazine to join the REMODELING Big50....
As we now move forward into the 2016 hurricane season, do you know if your home can withstand a powerful...
Whether you're choosing roofing materials for looks, cost, or durability, it's a good idea to look at all your options....
So, now you're all ready to go and let them get to work! You trust they'll do the best job...
Architecturally and aesthetically, Charleston is a demanding city. As a roofing company in Charleston, SC, we wouldn't have it any...
How often do you keep your New Year's Resolutions? If you don't keep them, how does it make you feel?...
While you try to make your home look as festive as possible this holiday season, we have a few tips...
It's time to give thanks. At Contract Exteriors, we have plenty to be thankful for. In many ways, this has...
Winterizing your home doesn't have to be stressful. It mostly involves common sense items, maintenance, inspection, and making a checklist.
In some ways, we've had a rough year on the Carolina Coast. Through it all, we've pulled together as a...
Being a roofer is hard work, so sometimes we need to get away from it all. We love Charleston and...
As a roofing company, our team at Contact Exteriors has the opportunity to see extremes in roofing needs. On one...
Some contractors look good on paper, but digging deeper you may find their "office" is that big, dirty 'ol truck...
At Contract Exteriors, we're dedicated to the art of roofing-- but we're more than just a roofing contractor. We also...
Houses with darker exterior colors, houses that use adaptive building materials, homes that feature indoor-outdoor living design, and houses that...
What sort of first impression does your home leave?
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